The Northern Virginia Softball Umpires Association schedules umpires to officiate fast-pitch softball for local high schools (Varsity & JV), middle schools, local recreational leagues and various travel teams.
Any person of good character who displays a mature demeanor, and expresses a desire to join and participate, shall be considered eligible to apply for membership with the Association.
Requirements for youth umpires are similar to the adult umpires. Umpires as young as 14 years old have proven to be successful umpires. The association will work with parents for all our youth umpires to be an active member.
In the winter, training for new umpires begins in February for the spring high school season. Summer training begins near the end of August for the fall recreational softball season.
From time to time one day training opportunities are held at various locations in Northern Virginia. As a member you will have access to all of those training opportunities that arise. Training consists of in-person sessions and zoom sessions. You will then be mentored throughout the year until you are comfortable. You will work at the level you feel confident at and will advance as soon as you are ready.
Prior experience is not necessary! Our extensive training program will get you ready and confident to umpire fast-pitch softball. We will advance you as you are ready to move up to higher and higher levels. You can umpire at the level you are comfortable with.
Of course. If you are willing to learn the rules of the game and can perform the tasks as outlined by the VHSL and USA Softball anyone can become an umpire.
An umpire must be unbiased, professional, and competent in umpiring a contest. You should also be in and maintain proper physical and mental condition. Maintaining self-control under all conditions is also a valuable trait to have. Rules knowledge is key but rules knowledge comes with time on the field. We will train you in the basic rules.
There is a membership fee, a one time training fee and meetings are held throughout the year. There is also an end of the year Awards Banquet in December that most members attend. Typically, there are six meetings a year and the awards banquet. We as an association like to see members attend 3 meetings per year and the banquet.
The short answer is maybe! Transfers with recommendations from out of area UICs are accepted into the association. These transfers and other transfers may want to go through the training so they can be quickly evaluated as to what level they can work when the season begins.
Game fees are determined by the contracts signed by the schools and programs as proposed by the NVSUA Board of Directors. Fees vary by level of competition and amounts increase based on level of difficulty. The amount an umpire can earn is determined by the number of games worked and the level of each game. Game Fees are posted in our scheduling software and in the members only section of the website.
Membership dues for NVSUA are $40 annually. (The annual fee is reduced for those under 18 years of age). There is a one-time training fee for umpires going through the training program. If the umpire so desires, our association also can deduct the dues for USA Softball. This comes later with joining the association.
Yes, you can still umpire based on your availability. All umpires have access to an on-line scheduling software that shows what days and times you are available during the season. It also has the capability to show how far you wish to travel to your games.
To get started, fill out the become an umpire form on the website under the become an umpire tab. This form gets emailed automatically to the NVSUA Umpire in Chief and he will contact you.
For more information about the NVSUA, please contact the President at or the Umpire-In-Chief by filling out the new umpire form or email at
Here are some options on where you can purchase uniforms or equipment.
1) Official Gear Store at
This is the USA Softball Store
2) Dave Gould has a storage facility in Centreville.
You will need to make an appointment with him to see his supply. Or if you know what you want, he can meet you at an agreed at meeting place.
Dave Gould 703-309-7817
3) Otherwise, you will need to shop at on-line stores: